Step into new realities with our cutting-edge VR Studio
The VR agency by the sea
The future is here!
No longer restricted to the realms of science fiction or academic labs, virtual reality is now affordable for consumers and business and is rapidly redefining our world. In 2024, the landscape of VR continues to evolve, from the introduction of the Metaverse, the rising popularity of VR headsets within the video game industry, to the application of AR on the apps we use everyday on our phones – consumer VR is growing and already a world of possibilities have opened up for creating exciting new brand experiences.
The empathy machine
VR is the ultimate first person view and can cultivate empathy for subjects, situations and perspectives in ways that traditional film makers have only dreamed of.
Pick the best headset for the job
At Bigman, we have the capability to create immersive media for cheap using mass market devices like open source ‘Cardboard’ headsets, but also for high-end headsets like the Meta/Oculus Quest 2, Microsoft Hololens 2 etc.

Virtual, Augmented or Mixed?

But what IS Virtual reality?
Regular ‘virtual reality’ is 100% synthetic, digital content where the user forgets the real world and becomes fully present in a digital one.
Augmented reality production
With ‘augmented reality’ we can add digital content to the real world, for example give your audience a cute virtual pet on their desk, float interactive price data around a shop window display or add dynamic virtual sculptures to a company foyer
Our mixed reality studio
Our ‘Mixed Reality’ green-screen studio allows other people to share in the experience, by combining the player with the virtual world, people see more than just an excited person with a piece of plastic on their face.
Architectural VR
Experience your design
Forget scale models or static computer generated images, VR allows your team and investors to immerse themselves in your building before even the foundations have even been dug!
Virtual real estate
With our room scale VR experiences you can actually, physically walk around a 5x5m space, crouch down to see under a table, or stretch up to look over a door frame. This sense of scale is unrivalled by any other type of media.
VR interior design – Customise your space
Change the colours of the walls, move the sofas around or swap kitchen components. VR allows you flexibility with interior design.

VR Games

Step inside the game
Long hailed as the final frontier of gaming, we can now fully immerse ourselves in worlds of pure creativity and delight.
Move your body
Room scale VR technology such as the HTC vive allows us to move in a fun and natural way to walk around, hit opponents, kick balls or bang drums, transporting us into any environment we choose.
Gamerfy your campaign
Got a marketing message that just needs a little oomph or magic? VR is the perfect medium for entertaining your prospective customers, or educating them about your product or service in a fun and enthralling way.
Design In VR
Create your world from within
For CGI geeks like ourselves, architects, automotive designers or anyone else creating spaces or sculpting products, virtual reality is quickly becoming the only way to experience your design as you work.
A paradigm shift for designers
Our old, 2 dimensional interfaces such as mouse, keyboard and monitor are set to melt away as we work in more physical ways that better reflect the full range of expressions of our human bodies. In the virtual world, the ergonomics that define our relationships with our designed environment take on a new level of nuanced sense of scale when we actually stand next right to our creations compared to seeing a flat image on a screen.

VR events

Bigman at American Express HQ
Create a buzz on your stand
Give your attendees an experience they will never forget. Educate them, entertain them or do both, with a bespoke virtual installation on your stand.
Stand out from the pack
VR is new and this gives you a great chance to stand out from your competitors by deploying the latest cutting edge technology on your stand.
So social
Using our proprietary ‘Rene’ mixed reality technology we can show everyone what is going on in VR on a big screen where we see the player mixed into the virtual world. Add hashtags and branding to create fun viral content that reaches far beyond the show floor.
VR tourism
Explore the world from the comfort of home
Whether you’re planning your next holiday, moving into a new neighbourhood, or simply want to see what the other side of the world looks like, VR gives us the freedom to explore places before we visit with a greater insight than ever before.
Scout out Locations
Imagine if you could view more than just curated pictures of a hotel before you book your stay, but actually be in the room? Or could look for the ideal spot to film your next project without the travel expenses? With the development of modern VR technology, we no longer have to.
360 VIDEO – press play, then click and drag to look around